> Khatran (plural Khatrans)

[written by CyberCat]

Colony World: Letesa (Beta VII)

Khatrans are a race of humanoid cats. Their eye and fur colors display a variety similar to that found in Earth house cats. Their one remarkable trait is the fact that their claws are capable of giving mild electrical shocks, like an electric eel. The Khatrans themselves don't seem to be affected by these shocks--exactly why that is is a much-debated question amongst Anthro biologists.

Like their feline bretheren on Earth, Khatrans are natural hunters, with surprising agility and highly acute senses. They have a lot more animal in them than most Anthro species, and can become downright feral when pushed too far. Also, like Earth cats, they seem to have a "sixth sense" of sorts which lets them sense other people's feelings and intentions.

Khatran civilization is very primitive compared to that of humans; they live in a tribal society, and use no machinery or electronics of any kind. They are generally fairly friendly towards other species, but because their way of life stresses living in harmony with nature, they have been reluctant to adapt to "modern" civilization.

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